To use this mod you will need to have Leather installed on your server, follow CanVox's tutorial on this page
When done, drop the attached mod file into the mods folder and restart your server.
Player Commands
/help (Shows commands)
/pm "playername" "message" (private messages a player. MUST BE USED IN QUOTES)
/history (Shows chat history, last 5 messages)
/players (Shows online players)
/location (Shows the coordinates of the player)
Admin Console commands (must be logged in as admin to use these commands) (turns the server to daytime)
rustpp.night (turns the server to nighttime)
rustpp.loadout (gives the admin full set of kevlar, M4, ammo and med kits)
rustpp.shutdown (Starts a 1 minute automated server shutdown process, with messages and auto saving)
v1.0 initial release.. more updates coming soon..
I request that if you use this mod, you have RUST++ somewhere in your
server name, to spread the word on modding. If you want the source,
decompile the file.
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