RUST++ Mod - a server-side mod to add more functionality & settings to your server!
Game Server Providers using this mod:
Nitrous Networks
Streamline Servers
Door sharing
Voice notifications
Broadcast PvP death messages
Chat history
Friendly fire toggle
Permissions flag system
Keep items on death mode
Destructible shelters, ceilings, pillars & foundation
Kick/ban system
Mutable players
Player list & online count
Private messaging system
Friend system
Starter kits
Admin Godmode
Admin loadout
Permanent day/night settings
Message of the day
Server notices
Shutdown messages & auto save
Player join/leave notices
Voice proximity toggle
Auto saving
Admin announcements
Easier teleport commands
Structure Decay toggle
Display location coordinates & ping
PvP, instacraft, sleepers etc can be modified & loaded from Rust++ config file
Player Commands
------- General Commands -------- /help (Shows commands) /history (Shows chat history, last 6 messages by default) /players (Shows online players) /location (Shows the coordinates of the player) /ping (shows latency between client and server) /starter (gives a configurable starter kit) /about (shows server mod version) /rules (shows server rules) /motd (shows the message of the day) ------ Private Messaging -------- /pm "playername" "message" (private messages a player. MUST BE USED IN QUOTES) /r message here (quick reply to last PM) ------ Friend System ---------- /friends (shows your friends list) /addfriend playername (adds a player to your friends list) /unfriend playername (removes a friend) ------ Door Sharing ------------ /share playername (shares your doors with a player) - no more quotes! /unshare playername (unshares your doors with a player) - no more quotes
------- General ----------- /announce <message> (FLAG: CanAnnounce) - broadcasts a notice to the server /give "player" "itemname" "amount" (FLAG: CanGiveItem) - gives a player an item /i "itemname" "amount" (FLAG: CanGiveItem) - gives yourself an item /instako (FLAG: CanInstaKO) - enables instant knockout mode for your self (all structures will be knocked down in 1 hit), great with an Uber Bow! /kill <playername (FLAG: CanKill) - kills a player /loadout (FLAG: CanLoadout) allows the player to spawn an admin loadout configured in the cfg file. /reload (FLAG: CanReload) - reloads the data from the config files /saveall (FLAG: CanSaveAll) - saves all the data on the server /tphere <playername> (FLAG: CanTeleport) - teleports a player to you /tpto <playername> (FLAG: CanTeleport) - teleports you to a player /god (FLAG: CanGodMode) - enables god mode so you can't die from a player -------- Security ------- /ban <playername> (FLAG: CanBan) - bans a player from the server /unban <playername> (FLAG: CanUnban) - unbans a player from the server /kick <playername> (FLAG: CanKick) - kicks a player from the server /mute <playername> (FLAG: CanMute) - mutes a player /unmute <playername> (FLAG: CanUnmute) - unmutes a player /addwl <playername> (FLAG: CanWhiteList) - adds a player to the whitelist (if whitelist mode is enabled) ------- Admin System --------- /setmasteradmin (FLAG: RCON) - sets a user logged in as RCON, as a master admin (which can do anything) /addadmin <playername> (FLAG: CanAddAdmin) - turns a normal player into an admin (with no flags set) /unadmin <playername> (FLAG: CanDeleteAdmin) - turns an admin into a normal player /addflag "playername" "flagName" (FLAG: CanAddFlags) - adds a flag to an admin /unflag "playername" "flagname" (FLAG: CanUnflag) - removes a certain flag from an admin /getflags <playername> (FLAG: CanGetFlags) - shows the flags a player can use
Admin Console commands (F1) (must be logged in w to use these commands) (turns the server to daytime)
rustpp.night (turns the server to nighttime)
rustpp.shutdown (Starts a automated server shutdown process, with messages and auto saving)
Admin Instructions
Upon logging into the server for the first time, use console and log into RCON. then write /setmasteradmin
You now are a master admin and can promote anybody to an admin, and give them certain permissions. Admin flag names are above in the admin commands.
To give a player permissions, first promote them to an admin /addadmin <playername
You can now assign flags to them, if i wanted that admin to only have the ability to kick players, i would do /addflag "adminname" "CanKick"
If you want to give EVERY PERMISSION to an admin write /addflag "adminname" "all"
Bundled with Rust++ comes a rust++.cfg file, open this with any text editor and you can change configuration around. most is self explanatory, but below is a summary of everything
help_string1=Chat Commands: /help /location /history /pm /r /players /starter /ping /share /unshare
help_string2=/friends /addfriend /unfriend /about // this is the text that will show when a player uses /help if enabled
configurable_airdrops=DISABLED DUE TO INSTABILITY // configurable airdrops are simply the ability to change the time of airdrops, and the amount of airdrops that come at that time
airdrop_interval=DISABLED DUE TO INSTABILITY // time in milliseconds 600000 = 1 hr
amount_of_airdrops=DISABLED DUE TO INSTABILITY // amount of airdrops that happen when the interval is up
freeze_time=false // ability to freeze the time, useful if you want a permanent day/night server
time=12 // the game time (12=midday, 0=midnight)
starterkit_cooldown=3600 // time in seconds, 3600=1hr, time between using starter kit command
shutdown_countdown=60 // time in seconds. amount of notice given (ticks every 10 seconds) after using rustpp.shutdown command
voice_proximity=false // if false, when you see another person you'll be able to hear them clearly no matter how far away they are, volume does not lower
default_admin_flags=CanKick|CanTeleport|CanAnnounce|CanGetFlags|CanMute|CanUnmute // when using /addadmin, this is the flags they will gain by default.
decay=true // experimental! setting to false *should* stop decaying. careful with this, as too many structures can cause a laggy server, or worse
chat_history_amount=6 // the amount of messages the history shows
keepitems=false // if true, the players will not drop their items upon death
friendly_fire=true // if false, players can add other players to their friends list, and won't do damage to them
pvp_death_broadcast=true // should players on the server see who killed each other?
join_notice=true // should players see notices on who logs in
leave_notice=true // should players see notices on who logs out
voice_notifications=true // should you get a notification message upon voice chat (bottom right corner)
voice_notifications_delay=1500 // increase this delay if you feel the notifications feel a bit spammy
autosave_interval=300000 // autosaves every 5 minutes
autosave_enabled=true // autosaves
pvp=true // player vs player or not?
instant_craft=false // no cooldown on the crafting timer
enforce_truth=true // usually keep this set to true, kicks players doing weird things apparently!
sleepers=true // setting this to false will allow users to logout without being killed during sleep (lying on the floor)
system_message_name=[RUST++] // the prefix for server messages/notices etc
notice_enabled=true // if you want to enable server notices popping up
notice_interval=900000 // time in milliseconds, how often do you want to spam your server with this notice? (i recommend 15 minutes (900000 milliseconds) minimum)
notice_messages_amount=3 // amount of messages displayed, configured below
notice1=RUST++ Mod Server!
notice2=PVP, Instacraft! Amazing server!!
notice3=Chat Commands: /help /location /history /pm /players /starter /share /unshare
motd=true // should a message of the day be displayed?
motd1=Welcome to a RUST++ Server!
motd2=This server still needs to configure this area! so fresh!
enabled=false // if enabled, nobody will be able to join your server, unless their username & steamID is inside the whitelist.xml file
items=4 // number of items in the starter kit. BELOW must have 'itemX_name and itemX_amount' where X represents a count to the max amount of items in the starter kit
item1_name=Stone Hatchet
item2_name=Sleeping Bag
item4_name=Wood Shelter
items=2 // number of items in the admin loadout. BELOW must have 'itemX_name and itemX_amount' where X represents a count to the max amount of items in the admin loadout
item2_name=556 Ammo
1.5.4 Updated for the new version of rust 1.5.3 Updated for the new version of rust 1.5.2 Fixed issues with new Rust update. Added a little prevention to avoid (hope) auto-saving crash. Added some internal functions to prepare for Magma. 1.5.1: added /god (if you have the right permissions) fixed /unflag /reload now reloads the admins.xml and whitelist.xml files added default_admin_flags to the config file 1.5: RUST++ is a standalone mod now (does not require Leather to load it), but still fully compatible with Leather Door sharing/MOTD etc have been updated to work fine with the latest patch & the features it brings Friendly fire mode has been added (if disabled, you will not damage any friends on your friends list) added /instantko - structures can be 1 hit (if you have the correct permissions), this includes shelters/ceilings/foundations & pillars Keep items mode (if enabled, upon death you will not lose any items) Whitelisting mode has been added (there is an XML file bundled, which you can add names too manually) Permission flag system (can assign any permission to specific players) kick/ban system that saves & can be modified from an XML file added /motd (shows the MOTD) fixed a bug with /tpto /addwl <playername> adds a player to a whitelist /kill <playername> added if you have the correct permissions (simply kills them) /rules will show the rules that the server has /getflags <player> shows the permissions a player has /addflags <player> all (will give them every ability) /setmasteradmin (use this when you log into rcon to become a master admin) /mute <playername> /unmute <playername> /give "playername" "itemname" "quantity" /i "ItemName" "quantity" 1.4.2 Now supports Leather 1.1 added "This server is powered by Rust++ <version>" to the MOTD (you cannot change this) fixed a bug with /starter fixed /r issue with too many spaces added in /tphere, /tptoo ="keyword operator"><partial name> gives you the option to select a number /reload ="entity name function">command (to reload the configuration file, if your an admin) ="keyword">If the dll's are not patched properly, the mod will now be disabled instead of partially work 1.4.1 some bug fixes added a Patcher /about command /saveall (admin) command ="constant numeric">1.4 using /pm with spaces has been fixed using /share ="keyword">and /unshare now do not require quotes ="keyword">and spacing has been fixed friends system added (/friends, /addfriend, /unfriend) ="keyword">and will save throughout a restart door sharing players will be saved throughout a restart added death messages [RUST="keyword operator">++]: xEnt (+) EquiFox17 (Revolver) is what the message will look like voice chat will now show notifications of whos talking, in the bottom right corner /announce has been added ="keyword operator">="keyword operator">="keyword">for admins /tphere (teleports a player to you) /tpto (teleports you to a player) /r ="keyword operator">="keyword operator"><message> has been added (Replies to the last private message) Message of the day has been added Join/leave server notices added added in autosaving configurable /loadout (="keyword">for admins only) admins can now use /location ="string">"playername" player save directory is now located in the same directory ="keyword">as your save files, inside a folder called rustpp\rustpp.cfg ="constant numeric">1.3.4 updated .dll for new version v1.3.3 enabled door sharing! disabled configurable airdrops for now until i stabilize it more. v1.3.2 disabled door sharing v1.3.1 fixed server notices spamming every 20 seconds. v1.3: Door sharing="keyword operator">! /share "playername" /unshare "playername" v1.2: admin loadout has been removed Starter kits now have a configurable cooldown System messages name can now be configured /players command is fixed, looks nicer, displays ="keyword operator">="keyword operator">="constant numeric">6 users per line, cutoff @ 60 ="entity name function">players (10 lines) fixed /starter not giving the last item decay setting has been added, experimental (unsure ="keyword">if it works right now) added option to increase chat history in config added private message sent notification added config ="entity name function">for (pvp, instacraft, sleepers) will overwrite any other setting previously initialized /pm now only delivers a message if the name matches and not partly (case insensitive) v1.1: All commands/settings are configurable in the rust="keyword operator">="keyword operator">="keyword operator">++.cfg file /history will now display ="keyword operator">="keyword operator">="constant numeric">6 of the last strings (up from ="constant numeric">5) automated notices added starter kit added advanced airdrops added freeze time ="entity name function">added (permanant day/night) added /ping command added voice_proximity setting
RUST++ 1.5.x Installation Notes: [Targeted at Game server providers or people with FULL ftp access]
If your game server is running, do /saveall
Shutdown your game server (using rustpp.shutdown if possible)
IF you have an older version, ensure that there is no Rust++_mod file in the mods folder
Backup your save/myserverdata folder (in case somehow it gets wiped)
Unzip the archive to your local computer
Copy the contents of a fresh steam-updated Managed folder, into the Managed folder that you unzipped
Run the patcher.exe (the patcherLog should then say it was a success)
Copy the whole Managed folder, and save folder onto your server. PLEASE use this new config file bundled too.
If you have further issues, please post with the output_server_log file so i can see what is going on
For other mods to improve your server, check out
DropParty this mod allows you to change the drop tables of zombies, airdrops and supply crates
VACuum this mod does not allow VAC banned players to enter your server
Limited Sleepers this mod allows you to disable sleepers without worrying about combat loggers!
GroupGate this mod allows only people inside your steam group to connect to your server
Developers - This project is Open Source (Outdated source at the moment) & developers are welcome to fork and contribute to the project
Donations will be shared between anyone that contributes towards Rust++
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